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#122 : L'heure de la victoire


Tandis que Linderman arrive, Nathan se rend compte du coût de gagner l'élection pour ceux qu'il aime, avec les conseils de sa mère et la prophétie de Linderman. Concernant Hiro, ce dernier se prépare à affronter Sylar jusqu'à la mort et en apprend davantage sur sa lignée de la part de son père.  Parallèlement, plusieurs Heroes débarquent à New York alors que Peter et Ted tentent de quitter la ville avant l'explosion prévue. Enfin, H.R.G. et Matt découvrent une vérité surprenante derrière le système de pistage utilisé sur les personnes avec des dons particuliers.


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L'heure de la victoire

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Première diffusion en France


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Vidéo promo 1x22


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Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Photo de l'épisode #1.22

Plus de détails

Réalisé par: Greg Beeman
Ecrit par: Jesse Alexander

Created by: TIM KRING

JACK COLEMAN as Mr. Bennet (HRG) 
NOAH GRAY-CABEY as Micah Sanders
GREG GRUNBERG as Matt Parkman
ALI LARTER as Niki (Jessica) Sanders
MASI OKA as Hiro Nakamura 

ADRIAN PASDAR as Nathan Petrelli
MILO VENTIMIGLIA as Peter Petrelli

Guest Starring:
ERIC ROBERTS as Thompson
JAMES KYSON LEE as Ando Masahashi
CLEA DUVALL as FBI Agent Audrey Hanson

ZACHARY QUINTO as Sylar (Gabriel Gray)
CHRISTINE ROSE as Audrey Petrelli
MATTHEW JOHN ARMSTRONG as Theodore "Ted" Sprague

MISSY PEREGRYM as Candice Willmer

RENA SOFER as Heidi Petrelli

GEORGE TAKEI as Kaito Nakamura

MALCOLM MCDOWELL as (Bill) Linderman

with the voice of SHENKAR

Co-Producer: LORI MOTYER
Produced by: JIM CHORY

Supervising Producer: ADAM ARMUS
Supervising Producer: KAY FOSTER

Co-Executive Producer: BRYAN FULLER
Co-Executive Producer: MICHAEL GREEN
Co-Executive Producer: NATALIE CHAIDEZ
Co-Executive Producer: JEPH LEOB
Co-Executive Producer: JESSE ALEXANDER
Co-Executive Producer: GREG BEEMAN

Executive Producer: ALLAN ARKUSH
Executive Producer: DENNIS HAMMER
Executive Producer: TIM KRING

Directed by: GREG BEEMAN



* Tailwind Productions
* NBC Universal Television Studio

ADAIR TISHLER as Molly Walker
JUSTIN EVANS as Simon Petrelli
JACKSON WURTH as Monty Petrelli
GENO MONTEIRO as Petrelli Aide

NINA MANN as Polling Worker
KIMLEIGH SMITH as African American Woman (Ms. Baker?)
JACK GUZMAN as Security Guard (Stanley)
KELVIN BROWN as Fat Cop (Officer 1)
DAN WARNER as Skinny Cop (Officer 2)

Casting by: KERI OWENS

Associate Producer: MIKE KETELSEN
Associate Producer: MARK WARSHAW

Director of Photography: NATE GOODMAN
Production Designer: RUTH AMMON

Edited by: MICHAEL S. MURPHY, A.C.E.
Unit Production Manager: CATHY MICKEL GIBSON

First Assistant Director: ANNE BERGER
Second Assistant Director: DIANE CALHOUN

Costume Designer: DEBRA McGUIRE
Set Decorator: DENA ALLEN
Property Master: ROSS ANDERSON
"A" Camera Operator: PETER MERCURIO
"B" Camera Operator: LOREN YACONELLI

Costume Supervisor: LAURA GUZIK
Key Makeup Artist: LORI MADRIGAL
Key Hairstylist: VICKY PHILLIPS
Chief Lighting Technician: DERRICK HOLLIS
Transportation Coordinator: BRIAN STEAGALL

Production Sound Mixer: KENN FULLER
Boom Operator: TOM PAYNE

Artistic Consultant: TIM SALE
Sylar’s Artwork by: ALEX MALEEV
Construction Coordinator: DAVE DEGAETANO
Supervising Location Manager: ALEX REID

Production Supervisor: BRENDA J. FULOS
Production Coordinator: PEARL LUCERO
Production Secretary: DANA JENKINS
Production Secretary: KELLY SULLIVAN
Production Accountant: DIANA AUSTIN
Script Coordinator: OLIVER CRIGSBY?

Stunt Coordinator: IAN QUINN
"A" Camera 1st Assistant: GREG MORRIS
"B" Camera 1st Assistant: SHAREEN SALEM
Script Supervisor: VALERIE NORMAN
Special Effects Supervisor: GARY D’AMICO
Video Playback Supervisor: MARK MARCUM

Post Production Supervisor: DANIEL RODRIGUEZ
Assistant Editor: LOIS BLUMENTHAL

Sound Supervisor: STEPHEN GRUBBS
Music Engineer /Mixer: MICHAEL PERFITT
Visual Effects Supervisor: MARK KOLPACK
Visual Effects Producer: MARK SPATNY

Assistants to Executive Producer: ANDREW CHAMBLISS / TIMM KEPPLER / JIM MARTIN
Assistants to Co-Executive Producers: ERIN FITZGERALD / PIERLUIGI COTHRAN
Assistants to Producer: FOZ MCDERMOTT


Au Kirby Plaza, Claire voit son père qui approche vers elle, et elle lui saute dans les bras. Peter absorbe le pouvoir de Ted, et ses mains s’illuminent, il devient nucléaire. Il regarde Claire, et elle sort l’arme de son sac. Mais juste avant qu’elle ne tire, il lui dit d’attendre, et parvient finalement à se contrôler.


Dans le loft d’Isaac, Hiro est déçu de ne pas avoir saisit l’opportunité de tuer Sylar quand il en avait l’occasion. Son épée est maintenant cassée en deux, et il ne sait plus quoi faire. Ando lui remonte un peu le moral, en lui disant qu’ils sont partis de rien, et qu’ils sont proches de sauver le monde maintenant. Puis il va chercher dans les pages jaunes une boutique spécialisée dans les katanas. Il téléphone et demande au gérant s’il peut réparer les katanas.


Mr Bennet est surpris que Peter Petrelli soit l’oncle de Claire. Il n’a jamais su qui étaient ses vrais parents. Elle est contente de revoir son père, mais ne comprend pas ce qu’il fait avec Matt et Ted, alors qu’ils les avaient prit en otage. Il lui parle du système de pistage, et de leur plan pour le détruire. Mais elle doute qu’après cela, ils pourront continuer de mener une vie normale, pour la simple raison qu’ils ne le sont pas. Elle commence à croire que Peter a raison, qu’ils ont tous une destinée, et qu’ils doivent sauver le monde ensemble.


Peter, Matt et Ted discutent de ce qu’ils doivent faire. Peter conseil à Ted de quitter la ville avec lui, mais il ne veut pas, car il aura fait tout ce chemin pour rien. Mr Bennet et Claire reviennent, et Bennet leur dit qu’il y a une petite ville dans le Nebraska où Peter et Ted ne seront une menace pour personne. Ted finit par céder. Au loin, entrain de les écouter, Sylar décide de suivre Ted et Peter.


Dans son bureau, Nathan se prépare à la dernière ligne droite avant les votes. Les sondages le donnent perdants. Mr Linderman est aussi dans son bureau, et il lui dit de ne pas s’inquiéter, qu’il s’occupe de tout. Nathan hésite encore a laisser son frère exploser et détruire New York, mais Linderman lui dit que personne ne peut l’empêcher. Il lui parle alors de son père. Il lui raconte qu’il était l’un des leur, mais il a abandonné leur cause car il était faible. Nathan réplique que son père était son héros. Heidi arrive alors et les interrompt. Linderman lui dit alors qu’il va prendre congé, mais il veut leur faire un cadeau avant de partir, pour honorer la prochaine victoire de son mari. Il lui prend la main. Heidi le regarde bizarrement, puis il s’en va. Heidi dit à Nathan qu’elle ne l’aime pas, mais il répond que c’est grâce à lui qu’il gagnera l’élection. Pendant que sa femme parle, Nathan remarque que son pied bouge, alors qu’elle est paralysée. Heidi réussit alors à sortir de son fauteuil. Linderman la guérit. Nathan la serre dans ses bras.


Claire et Peter sont entrain de parler de ce qu’ils feront une fois qu’ils auront sauvé le monde. Elle dit en plaisantant qu’elle pourrait entrer dans la police pour défier les armes à feu, et sortir des gens d’immeubles en feu, et Peter ajoute qu’il se baladera avec une cape! Puis il entend alors les pensées de quelqu’un, et comprend qu’il s’agit de Sylar. Ils se dépêchent de rentrer dans une galerie commerciale pour le semer.


Hiro et Ando sont en route pour réparer le katana, quand ils remarquent une foule de gens. Nathan est entrain de sortir de son quartier général de campagne, et Hiro court vers lui. Il se fait d’abord repousser par les gardes, mais Nathan le voit et vient lui parler. Hiro lui parle de son voyage dans le futur, où il est devenu une mauvaise personne. Hiro lui dit qu’ils ont besoin de lui pour sauver le monde et arrêter la bombe, mais Nathan répond que personne ne le peut. Il s’éloigne, et Hiro lui crie qu’il est déjà devenu quelqu’un de mauvais. On voit alors deux autres personnes le regarder s’éloigner. Il s’agit de DL et Jessica, toujours à la recherche de Micah.


Hiro est déçu par l’attitude de Nathan. Ando lui montre alors qu’ils sont arrivés à la boutique. Ils entrent, et Ando voit un drapeau avec le symbole dessiné dessus. Le gérant arrive alors de l’arrière-boutique, et Hiro lui montre le katana. Il lui demande s’il peut le réparer, et l’homme répond que cela dépend d’une autre personne. Il pointe alors le père de Hiro avec l’épée, qui sort de l’arrière boutique à son tour. Hiro et Ando sont surprit de le voir, et Mr Nakamura lui explique qu’il est resté car il voulait suivre l’évolution de son fils, dans sa mission. Puis il ajoute qu’il veut lui parler en tête à tête, mais Ando le lui déconseille, car il a peur que Mr Nakamura parvienne à convaincre son fils d’arrêter sa mission. Hiro l’ignore et suit son père.


Micah regarde la ville à travers la fenêtre de la chambre d’hôtel. Candice lui ramène des BD. Il lui dit qu’elle est sympa, même si elle fait peur, et il ne comprend pas pourquoi elle travaille pour un homme aussi méchant. Quelqu’un frappe à la porte, et Linderman entre. Micah réclame sa mère, et Linderman lui dit qu’il la verra après lu avoir rendu un petit service, qui permettra de sauver beaucoup de vies, et qu’ensuite il donnera tellement d’argent à sa famille qu’ils vivront heureux pour toujours. Micah accepte.


Ted, Peter et Claire ont réussit à échapper à Sylar. Peter explique à Ted qu’il tue les personnes comme eux pour prendre leur pouvoir. Alors qu’ils se retrouvent à nouveau dans la rue, des voitures de police les encerclent. Le FBI arrête Ted en moins de deux secondes, alors qu’il crie à Peter et Claire de partir. Peter attrape le bras de la jeune fille et ils deviennent tous les deux invisibles, avant de s’enfuir à travers la foule. L’agent Audrey Hanson dit à Ted qu’il est en état d’arrestation et elle donne l’ordre à des hommes de retrouver les deux qui se sont enfuit. Les policiers emmènent Ted, et Audrey se retourne vers un homme pour le remercier de les avoir prévenu qu’un terroriste était en ville. C’est Sylar. Quand l’agent Hanson lui demande son nom, il lui dit qu’il s’appelle Isaac Mendez.


Hiro dit à son père qu’il ne veut pas retourner au Japon, et il est très surprit lorsque Mr Nakamura lui répond qu’il va devoir sauver le monde, et qu’il sait montrer fière de son pouvoir. Son père sait ce qu’est capable de faire son fils, et il est aussi au courant de ses différents voyages dans le temps. Mais Hiro lui dit qu’il n’est pas sûr d’être à la hauteur de son don, car il avait l’occasion de tuer Sylar, mais il ne la pas fait. Son père lui dit qu’il va lui enseigner ce qu’il doit savoir du maniement de l’épée, car il devra tuer le méchant.


Candice et Micah arrivent dans un bureau de vote. Dans l’isoloir, Candice demande à Micah de commander à l’ordinateur de changer tous les votes en faveur de Nathan Petrelli. Une fois terminé, Micah lui demande s’il peut enfin rentrer chez lui.


Dans son bureau, Nathan reçoit la visite de DL et Jessica. Ils veulent savoir où se trouve Linderman pour pouvoir retrouver Micah, et DL le met en garde que s’il accepte l’aide de Linderman, il devra lui rendre des compte jusqu’à ce qu’il n’ait plus rien. Les collaborateurs et les employés de Nathan se mettent alors à crier dans la pièce à coté, car Nathan vient de remporter l’élection, avec une longueur d’avance. Nathan leur dit alors que s’il leur révèle où se trouve Linderman, ils devront faire en sorte qu’il ne les ennuie plus. DL répond qu’il a kidnappé son fils, et que pour ça il va payer le prix fort.


Hiro s’entraîne à manier le katana avec son père. Mr Nakamura lui demande s’il se souvient d’une histoire qu’il lui racontait quand il était enfant, sur les aventures de Takezo Kensei. Hiro se souvient parfaitement du compte, qui raconte que Takezo voulait unir son peuple, donc il alla voir un dragon, qui lui enseigna l’art de l’épée. Grâce à cela, Takezo vaincu tous ses ennemis. Puis le dragon exigea la vie de la princesse. Takezo planta alors son épée dans son cœur, et le tendit au dragon en lui disant de le prendre, car c’était là qu’était la princesse, puis il mourut. Hiro comprend que la morale de l’histoire est que pour sauver ceux qui comptent le plus, il doit avoir la force de se sacrifier.


Bennet et Parkman arrivent dans l’immeuble où se trouvent Thompson et Molly. Ils savent que le système de pistage se trouve au 42ème étage. Matt va alors voir le garde posté devant les ascenseurs, et il se serre de son don pour faire croire au garde qu’ils se connaissent, et qu’il peut les laisser passer. Il lui fait croire qu’ils ont été boire un verre ensemble et qu’il lui a racontait des choses assez personnelles. Le garde finit par les laisser accéder aux ascenseurs. Mais les mots de passe ont été changés et ils ne peuvent plus monter dans les étages. Bennet veut rester pour attendre que Matt lise le mot de passe dans la tête de quelqu’un, mais Matt reconnaît une personne approcher, et il ne veut pas rester plus longtemps. Il s’agit de Jessica et DL, qui passent sans problème à travers la barrière, pour se diriger ensuite vers les ascenseurs. Bennet retient Parkman, et va leur parler. Il leur dit que son ami peut lire dans les pensées, et qu’ils ont des objectifs en commun. Jessica reconnaît alors Matt, et elle lui demande s’il est bien l’homme qu’elle a jeté à travers une fenêtre.


DL, Jessica, Matt et Bennet sont dans l’ascenseur. Puis on voit Mohinder avec Molly. Le traitement semble bien fonctionner, et la jeune fille se sent mieux. Elle lui montre alors son pouvoir, en pensant à une personne et en montrant où il se trouve sur une carte. Mohinder lui fait remarquer qu’elle a pointé l’immeuble où ils se trouvent. Molly réplique que ça veut dire que son héros n’est pas loin d’elle, l’officier de police qui la sauver quand ses parents se sont fait tuer. Mohinder lui demande alors de lui montrer où se trouve Sylar, pour pouvoir l’empêcher de faire du mal à d’autres personnes. Elle lui demande s’il est sûr de vouloir savoir. Thompson entre dans la pièce avant qu’il ne réponde, et il demande comment va Molly. Mohinder lui dit qu’elle va mieux et qu’ils peuvent donc partir à la poursuite de Sylar, mais Thompson a d’autres projets. Il leur dit qu’un hélicoptère vient d’arriver pour les emmener tous les deux dans un endroit sûr.


Matt et Bennet sortent de l’ascenseur, en disant à DL et Jessica à quel étage se trouve  Linderman. Matt demande ensuite comment ils vont détruire le système de pistage, et Bennet répond que c’est à lui de le faire. Dans l’une des pièces à l’étage, Thompson les voit sur un écran de surveillance, et arme un revolver. Il sort dans le couloir et se prépare à tirer, mais Matt entend ces pensées, et il attrape Bennet au moment où Thompson leur tire dessus. Il lui sauve la vie. Bennet dit à Matt de rester où il est, et il s’en va. Thompson arrive alors derrière Matt, et il lui demande ironiquement à quoi il est entrain de penser. Bennet apparaît alors derrière lui, et il répond qu’il pense ses dernières pensées, et il tue son ex-patron. Mohinder a tout vu sur les écrans de sécurité.

Bennet et Parkman arrivent enfin à la pièce où se trouvent Mohinder et Molly. Ils entrent mais ils ne voient personne. Ils finissent par trouver Molly. Bennet avoue qu’il savait que le système de pistage était une personne, mais il ignorait qu’il s’agissait d’une enfant. Il hésite donc à la tuer. Mohinder surgit derrière Matt et l’assomme, puis il se retourne vers Bennet. Les deux hommes braquent leurs armes l’un sur l’autre, puis Bennet se retourne vers Molly.


Ted est attaché dans le fourgon qui doit l’emmener à la prison de haute sécurité. Le véhicule s’engage dans une rue, au milieu de laquelle se trouve Sylar. D’un mouvement de la main, il fait se retourner le fourgon, qui s’arrête juste devant lui. Il ouvre les portes, et on voit Ted toujours attaché à son siège, la tête en bas. Sylar s’agenouille devant Ted, et il lui découpe la tête, absorbant son pouvoir. On entend les hurlements de Ted.


Hiro parvient enfin à avoir le dessus sur son père au Katana. Ce dernier est fier que son fils ait appris autant en si peu de temps. Hiro est content car maintenant qu’il est capable de tuer Sylar, Ando ne mourra pas. Il court rejoindre son ami, mais il n’y a plus personne dans le magasin. Le vendeur lui dit que son ami a acheté un de ses Nagamakis (un katana) avant de partir. Hiro comprend qu’il est parti arrêter Sylar, et qu’il va se faire tuer.


Claire et Peter se retrouvent bloqué dans les bouchons. Ils descendent de voiture, et découvrent alors le fourgon en travers de la route. La police emmène les corps des gardes qui se trouvaient à l’avant du véhicule, et d’autres regardent les restes de Ted. L’un d’eux demande comment la moitié de sa tête a pu disparaître, et l’agent Audrey Hanson leur dit qu’il vaut mieux qu’ils ne sachent pas. Peter et Claire regardent eux aussi la scène, et Claire  comprend que c’est Sylar, et qu’il a pris son pouvoir. Peter réalise alors que ce n’est pas lui qui va détruire toute la ville, mais Sylar. Claire lui dit qu’il doit l’arrêter, et il réplique que la dernière fois qu’ils se sont battus, Sylar l’a tué. Ils s’en vont.


DL et Jessica entrent dans le bureau de Linderman en passant à travers le mur. Jessica lui demande où est Micah, et elle l’envoie voler contre un mur. Le vieil homme réplique que Micah ne serait jamais né s’il ne s’était pas occuper de créer leur relation, mais DL répond que le fait qu’il leur ait donné de l’argent ne lui donne pas le droit de leur prendre leur fils et de contrôler leur vie. Linderman lui dit que Micah est dans le bâtiment, à un autre étage. Jessica se prépare à aller le chercher, mais Linderman lui demande s’ouvrir un sac avant de partir. Il contient de l’argent. Linderman est convaincu que Jessica ferait n’importe quoi pour de l’argent, y comprit tuer DL et oublier Micah. DL n’y croit pas un mot. Pourtant Jessica lui dit qu’elle serait prête à le tuer pour cet argent, mais pas Niki. Elle ferme alors les yeux, et lorsqu’elle les ouvre à nouveau, Niki à reprit le dessus sur Jessica. Elle se précipite dans les bras de son mari, et Linderman sort son arme et tire. DL se jette devant Niki et reçoit la balle à sa place. Il s’effondre. Linderman menace ensuite Niki, et DL arrive alors derrière lui et il plante sa main dans le crâne de Linderman. Ses yeux deviennent rouge de sang, et il tombe sur le sol, mort.


Nathan s’avance vers l’estrade pour prononcer son discours pour avoir remporté l’élection. Il pousse le fauteuil de sa femme, qui est encore assise dedans malgré le fait qu’elle puisse à nouveau marcher. Il lui promet de le dire à tout le monde quand le moment sera venu. Puis il monte sur l’estrade sous les applaudissements. Il commence son discours. Pendant qu’il parle, on voit Claire et Peter remonter en voiture, Hiro sortir du magasin avec son katana, Micah regarder par la fenêtre, Ando avec une épée dans les rues de New York, Audrey regarder les urgentistes emmener le corps de Ted, Linderman étendu sur le sol, et Mohinder et Bennet avec leurs armes pointées sur Bennet et Molly.


Sylar est en haut d’un immeuble, il utilise le pouvoir de Ted, en faisait jaillir de l’énergie radioactive de ses mains. Puis il regarde la ville qui s’étend devant lui, et dit « Boum »



NARRATOR: (v.o.) Previously on Heroes ...


NARRATOR: (v.o.) Ordinary people across the globe ...


(Hiro pokes his finger in the center of a car tire suspended in air during an explosion.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) ... discovered extraordinary abilities.

(Nathan flies straight up in the air to escape from Mr. Bennet and the Haitian.)

(Time is frozen. Hiro draws his sword in Virginia’s apartment right after Sylar accidentally stabs her with a pair of scissors.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) Hiro met face to face with evil.


(Sylar’s eyes shift sideways toward Hiro.)

HIRO: Hyah!

(Sylar grabs the sword with his bare hand, stopping Hiro’s sword from finding its mark. He turns toward Hiro.)

HIRO: I must stop you.

SYLAR: Then do it.

(Sylar starts to ice Hiro’s sword. Hiro can’t get his sword out of Sylar’s grip.)

SYLAR: You can’t.

ANDO: Hiro!

(Hiro reaches for Ando, puts a hand on his shoulder and teleports Ando, him and his sword out of the apartment.)

(They vanish.)


(Future "Nathan" is on the phone.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) Nathan faced a choice: win the election or stop the bomb.

(In the future, New York explodes.)

(The painting of New York exploding is hanging in Linderman’s museum.)

(Linderman speaks with Nathan.)

LINDERMAN: This tragedy will be a catalyst for good. And it’s your destiny, Nathan.

(Angela speaks with Nathan.)

ANGELA: Can you be the one we need?


NARRATOR: (v.o.) And Claire was asked to do the unthinkable.

(Video tape view of Claire snapping her dislocated shoulder back into place.)

(Claire stands in the burning train wreckage.)

(Peter hands Claire the handgun.)

(Peter’s vision of: Peter exploding.)

(Claire looks at the gun.)

PETER: If I lose it, --

PETER: -- you’re the only one who can get close enough to stop me.




NARRATOR: (v.o.) And tonight --

(Peter grabs Claire’s arm. They turn and run.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) --as the pieces come together,

(Micah has his hand up flat against the apartment window.)

(Nathan posed on the sidewalk ready to get into his car.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) The final battle --

(Hiro wields the sword and raises it ready to strike.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) -- is about to begin.

(Sylar stands on the top of a wall overlooking New York City out in front of him. The pupils in his eyes glow.)

SYLAR: Boom.


(A man standing in front of Nathan explodes, taking a good portion of street, buildings and people with him.)



NARRATOR: (v.o.) And now ... Heroes continues.




(Claire sits on the edge of the water fountain and talks with Peter.)

CLAIRE: I just miss my family.

(She looks down at her hands.)

CLAIRE: I hope I can make them proud.

(Claire looks up.)


(She gets up. Matt, Ted and Mr. Bennet are headed their way.)

MR. BENNET: Claire!

(Claire runs to her dad and they hug.)

(Peter’s hands are glowing as he absorbs Ted’s powers.)

PETER: Claire!

(Claire turns to look at Peter, her smile fades.)

TED: What's he doing?

MR. BENNET: He's absorbing your ability.

(Peter looks at Ted and at the others.)

MATT: He's gotta make it stop.

(Peter’s hands continue to glow. Peter looks at his hands and concentrates. Claire turns and walks over to him.)

(Peter looks at Claire.)

PETER: Claire, you know what you have to do.

(Claire opens her handbag and takes out the gun. She doesn’t want to do it.)

PETER: Do it.

(Mr. Bennet and Matt watch Peter. Claire turns the gun and points it at Peter.)

PETER: Wait!

(He holds out his hand to stop her. He concentrates and manages to get it under control.)

PETER: I'm okay.

(He looks down at his hands. They’re still glowing, but not uncontrollably. He takes a breath and they stop glowing.)



(Hiro looks hopelessly at the broken sword pieces.)


(He kneels, the two broken sword pieces still in his hands.)

HIRO: (subtitled) I had a chance to kill Sylar and I failed. My mission is over.

(Ando kneels down next to him and grabs the broken sword piece. He touches the tip with his finger.)

ANDO: (subtitled) It’s still sharp.

HIRO: (subtitled) Even if the sword were whole ... I am not fit to wield it.

(Ando lifts Hiro up to his feet.)

ANDO: (subtitled) We began in a cubicle in Tokyo. No life, no adventure. You wanted to be special ... and you are! Destiny picked you, Hiro!

HIRO: (subtitled) Destiny made a mistake. Sylar is too powerful. Look what he did to the sword.

(Ando gets an idea.)

ANDO: (subtitled) We can get it fixed.

(Ando picks up the yellow pages and starts flipping through it.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Fix a five-hundred-year-old samurai sword ...

ANDO: (subtitled)

HIRO: (subtitled) What makes you think some handyman can fix it?

(Ando picks up the phone and dials. He lifts up the yellow pages and points to a particular ad:
Specializing in Rare Weapons
356 Canal St.
Open Mon-Sat
(212) 555-0125

(Right in the center of the ad is the SYMBOL.)

(Hiro walks over and smiles as he sees the SYMBOL.)

ANDO: (to phone) Ah. Hello? Yes. Do you fix ancient Samurai swords?

CLAREMONT: (from phone) Yeah.

(Hiro takes the phone from Ando.)

HIRO: (to phone) My name is Hiro Nakamura, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



(Claire and Mr. Bennet talk as they walk around the sculpture.)


MR. BENNET: So Peter Petrelli is your uncle.

CLAIRE: You didn't know that?

MR. BENNET: There are a lot of things they never told me.

CLAIRE: I thought Peter was the only person who could protect me. Now you're here.

(He kisses the top of her head. They turn and look at Peter with Matt and Ted.)

CLAIRE: Why did you come here? With them?

MR. BENNET: The people I used to work for have a tracking system. They can find anybody anywhere in the world. We came here to destroy it. That's the only way we can ever start over ... and build a normal life.

CLAIRE: Is that even possible? I mean, I'm not normal, and they're not normal. Everything that's been happening to us has been so monumentally un-normal. I mean, maybe Peter's right. Maybe we all have a destiny. And it's to save the world ... together.

(Ted, Peter and Matt talk.)

TED: I just rode 26 hours from Texas to take down the evil bastards who want me dead, and you're saying I should turn around and go back because of a painting that you saw?

PETER: (nods) Yeah. That and a dream.

(Matt mind-reads Peter.)

MATT: He might be nuts, Ted, but he's not lying. He believes every word of it.

PETER: They'll take out the tracking system, then you're gonna be free.

TED: (chuckles) Free? I killed people with my powers, okay? I didn't mean to, but it happened. And now the FBI thinks I'm a terrorist.

PETER: Yeah, but you're not a terrorist. You need to get out of town before you become one.

MR. BENNET: There's a town in Nebraska: Windy Fork, population 15. I want you to go there and wait for me to contact you.

CLAIRE: He gave me directions.

MATT: You're sending your daughter with them?

MR. BENNET: Claire tells me she has a destiny. She stopped Ted from melting down once before and saved all our lives -- she could do it again. She could stop both of you.

(Peter walks up to Ted and looks at him.)

PETER: You coming?

TED: I'm in.

(We ZOOM OUT BACKWARD across the other side of the plaza and find SYLAR standing behind the building corner listening in on their conversation.)

SYLAR: Me too.








(Nathan is on the phone.)

NATHAN: (to phone) We can do the photo op outside the polls. Yes, Marty -- Marty! I know we're still behind. That's why every vote counts.

(Nathan hangs up. Linderman is in the office.)

NATHAN: Exit polls have me five points down.

LINDERMAN: Oh, I never listen to polls.

(He turns around and chuckles.)

LINDERMAN: Be ready, Nathan. Today you will become a congressman. In time, you will lead the country.

NATHAN: As long as I let this city become a nuclear wasteland. (Nathan stands up and looks out the window.) And let my brother explode.

LINDERMAN: You can't stop that. No one can. But it's what comes next. And that ... that is entirely up to us. (Linderman looks at a medal.) Your father would be very proud.

(Nathan takes the medal case from Linderman.)

NATHAN: Pop would have me committed for even considering this nonsense.

LINDERMAN: Clearly, your mother didn't tell you.

NATHAN: Tell me what?

(Nathan puts the medal back up on the fireplace mantle.)

LINDERMAN: Your father was one of us, someone with great power. He tried to make a difference in the world. He did all he could, and when that wasn't enough ... he just gave up. Your father was weak.

NATHAN: My father was my hero. And when I win --

HEIDI: (o.s.) Nathan?

(Heidi wheels out into the foyer looking for Nathan.

HEIDI: I thought you were gonna see the boys before they went to school. They wanted to wish you good luck.

(She turns and sees Nathan with Linderman.)

HEIDI: Oh, u-um. I'm sorry. I-I didn't know you were here.

LINDERMAN: That's all right. I'm just on my way out. (He walks over to her.) Mrs. Petrelli, your husband is about to become a very powerful man. I would like to give you both a gift to honor his forthcoming victory.

(He holds out his hand and she puts hers in his.)

LINDERMAN: Something to make the days ahead a little easier.

(He covers her hand with both of his. He looks at her intently and holds her hand for a long moment.)

(He lets go and leaves.)

(Heidi rolls her wheelchair into the room.)

HEIDI: What is he talking about?

NATHAN: I don't know.

HEIDI: I can't believe you let that man into our house.

NATHAN: Honey ... he's my largest campaign contributor.

(Nathan sits down.)

HEIDI: He's a thief and a liar and God knows what else.

NATHAN: And if I win this election, he'll be the reason.

HEIDI: Why? Because he gave you money? Nathan, don't forget who you are.

NATHAN: I know exactly who I am. I'm a man who's being asked to make a hard choice for the greater good.

HEIDI: And you will. And you're gonna do great things. But you don't have to sell your soul!

(Nathan sees Heidi’s foot move. He looks at her.)

HEIDI: What? What is it?

NATHAN: Your foot. It's moving.

HEIDI: What?

(Heidi sees her foot moving. Nathan stands up.)

HEIDI: Oh, my God. Oh ... Nathan. Oh, my God.

(Nathan helps Heidi up out of her wheelchair. She stands up and hugs him.)

HEIDI: Oh, oh! Oh, my God!

NATHAN: It's a miracle.



(Claire, Peter and Ted are crossing the street.)

CLAIRE: You know, I've been thinking after we save the world, I might go on patrol. You know, jumping in front of bullets and dragging people out of burning buildings.

PETER: Not gonna catch me wearing a cape, zipping around with my underwear outside my pants.

CLAIRE: Why do we have to rent a car? Can't we just fly to Nebraska? In a plane.

TED: The FBI's got my face all over wanted posters. I wouldn't get very far in an airport.

(Peter hears the thoughts of another.)

SYLAR: (v.o., thoughts) Ted's a fugitive. I can use that to get his power.

(He stops and turns around.)

CLAIRE: What is it?

PETER: (looking around) It's Sylar. He's here. He's watching us.

CLAIRE: Right now?

PETER: He knows what Ted can do. We need to get off the streets.

(Peter and Claire run into the nearby HOTSPUR CAR RENTAL building.)

TED: Who's Sylar?

(They pull Ted into the building with them.)

(Nearby, Sylar is casually eating a bowl of ice cream.



(Ando and Hiro are walking along the sidewalk. Hiro is carrying the covered sword.)

ANDO: (subtitled) We are almost there!

HIRO: (subtitled) We don’t have time for traffic today.

(Someone bumps into Hiro and it sets him off.)

HIRO: (subtitled) (agitated) Don’t they know we have a sword to mend ...

(Ando points.)

ANDO: (subtitled) Everyone is voting.

(Hiro turns and smiles.)

HIRO: (subtitled) It’s flying man!

(He sees Nathan exiting the building. There is a small group of reporters flocked around him.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Maybe he can help us.

ANDO: (subtitled) Help us? Don’t you remember the future? He was the bad guy.

HIRO: (subtitled) The future has not happened yet.

(Hiro heads across the street toward Nathan.)

(Nathan and Marty step out onto the sidewalk.)

MARTY: Would have been nice to have Heidi for the photo op.

NATHAN: Something happened back at the house.

MARTY: She all right?

NATHAN: She's fine. She's better than fine, actually.

(Hiro rushes across the street.)

HIRO: Oh, oh! (shouts) Nathan Petrelli! Nathan!

(Nathan reaches his car.)

NATHAN: We'll make an announcement after the election.

MARTY: What's going on?

NATHAN: Miracles, Marty.

(Nathan turns to get into the car. Hiro shouts and waves to Nathan.)

HIRO: (shouts) Nathan Petrelli, Nathan! Nathan Petrelli!

(Nathan stops when he sees Hiro. Someone stops Hiro.)

HIRO: No, I need to speak to Nathan.

(Nathan smiles and heads over to greet Hiro.)

NATHAN: It's all right. Mr. Hiro, how are you?

HIRO: Fine. Thank you very much. We are trying to stop a bad thing.

NATHAN: Shh, shh, shh, shh.

HIRO: (softly) The bomb. Big boom. You must help. Or bad future will come.

NATHAN: Bad future?

ANDO: Yes, we went there. But I was already dead.

HIRO: You become a ... bad person, Nathan. (hopeful) But you can come with us now, help us stop bomb -- together.

NATHAN: Sorry, Hiro. I can't stop it.

(He leans in close to Hiro’s ear and whispers:

NATHAN: Nobody can.

(Nathan smiles and shakes Hiro’s hand.)

NATHAN: It's a pleasure to see you again. Thanks for your support.

(Nathan turns and heads for the car. The reporters are trying to get his attention.)

REPORTER: (o.s.) Mr. Petrelli! Nathan! This way!

(Nathan’s security keeps Hiro back.)

HIRO: (shouts) You already bad guy.

(Nathan pauses before getting into the car and looks at Hiro.)

HIRO: (upset) You are villain! Villain!

(Nathan smiles and waves.)

NATHAN: Thank you all.

(He gets into the car.)

(The door closes and the car passes Hiro.)

HIRO: Villain!

(Hiro watches the car leave.)

(Across the street, DL and Jessica also watch the car leave.)

DL: That's Petrelli?


DL: I don't see Micah. Or Linderman.

JESSICA: We know they're in town. Nathan can tell us where.

DL: He'll never see us coming.



(Hiro and Ando exit the station and appear on the street. Ando checks the address.)

HIRO: (subtitled) In great crisis, every hero is tested. Some fail--like me. But I never thought Nathan would give up.

(Ando sees something and points.)

ANDO: There! (subtitled) Let’s hope we can get more help here ... than from that jerk.

(Ando smiles and heads across the street. Hiro unwraps the sword. He’s also smiling.)


(Hiro and Ando enter the bladesmith shop.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Wow.

ANDO: Ah, Hiro! (subtitled) Look!

(Ando points to the large SYMBOL banner behind the counter.)

HIRO: (subtitled) "Godsend"

(The backroom door squeaks open. Mr. Claremont steps out. He closes the door.)

HIRO: Mr. Claremont? It's me. Hiro Nakamura. I spoke to you on the phone. About my problem?

(Mr. Claremont doesn’t say anything. Hiro shows him the sword.)

CLAREMONT: My God. The Kensei. What happened?

HIRO: It got cold. Frozen. Then ... snap. Can you fix it?


(The side door opens.)


(He points to Kaito Nakamura.)

(Hiro turns and faces his father. Ando bows respectfully.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Father?!

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) Yes, my son. You’ve reached the end of your journey.





(Hiro and Ando face Kaito Nakamura.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Father ... I thought you went home to Japan.

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) I remained here-- to watch your progress.

HIRO: (subtitled) Progress?

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) Hiro, you and I must speak. Alone.

(Kaito turns and returns to the backroom. He fully expects Hiro to follow him. Ando rushes up to Hiro.)

ANDO: (subtitled) Wait. He will try to take you back to Japan. You are vulnerable, Hiro. What if he convinces you to abandon your mission? You have to stop Sylar. You must save the world! You have to save me!

(Hiro is quiet as he thinks about it.)

HIRO: (subtitled) He is my father ... and out of respect ... I must hear what he has to say.

(Hiro heads for the back room.)

ANDO: (subtitled) Don’t go, Hiro.

(Hiro stops in the doorway and looks back at Ando. He nods, then enters the back room.)

ANDO: Hiro!

(The door slams closed.)

(Ando rolls his eyes and sighs.)



(Micah has his hand flat against the window overlooking the city. He turns when he hears Candice re-enter the room. Candice munches on a bag of fries.)


MICAH: I have a cousin who eats like you. He's huge.

CANDICE: (amused) Hmm. So am I. You said you like comic books, so ... I bought you a stack.

(She puts a stack of comic books on the coffee table, then plops down on the sofa. Micah looks through them and finds one particularly fascinating.)

CANDICE: (knowingly) Anything good?

MICAH: The original Silver Surfer number one? (Candice smiles.) This must have cost you a fortune!


MICAH: You're nice. Even when you're scary.

(Candice chuckles.)

MICAH: I just don't understand why you're working for such a bad guy. You could use your power to be a hero.

CANDICE: (rolls her eyes) Oh. (chuckles) Okay. You're just too young to see how much the world sucks-- how people can be so mean to each other just because of where they were born or what they look like. Mr. Linderman's gonna change all that. He's gonna heal the world.

MICAH: I didn't know it was sick.

(There’s a knock at the door. Candice gets up as Linderman walks in.)

LINDERMAN: Ah, Candice.

CANDICE: Mr. Linderman.

LINDERMAN: How are you?


(She kisses him on the cheek.)

LINDERMAN: And how is our boy?

CANDICE: Good, sir.

(Linderman walks over to Micah. Candice closes the door.)

MICAH: I want to see my mom.

LINDERMAN: After today, you can go home.

MICAH: I don't believe you.

LINDERMAN: I'm sure other grownups talk down to you, Micah. I'm not gonna make that mistake. (He sits down.) I'm gonna look you straight in the eye and tell you one simple truth. What you do here today with your incredible ability is going to save many lives.

(Micah looks at Candice. She smiles.)

MICAH: What do you want me to do?

LINDERMAN: What comes naturally. Talking to machines.

MICAH: And after that, you'll take me home?

LINDERMAN: I'll tell you what. I'll do better than that. You do as you're told, and I'll make sure that you and your parents have enough money to live happily ever after.

(We hold on Micah.



(Ted, Peter and Claire walk out of the HOTSPUR CAR RENTAL building.)

TED: So this guy Sylar, he kills people like us?

PETER: Yeah, to take what we can do.

TED: How does he manage that?

CLAIRE: He rips your head open.

TED: I say we stick with the plan, get out of the city.

(Cop cars suddenly appear in front of them, their tires screeching.)

(FBI Agents with their weapons scramble out of the vehicles.)

TED: Get out of here. Go!

AUDREY HANSON: Federal agents. On your knees!

TED: Get out of here, Claire

(Peter grabs Claire and pulls her away from Ted.)


(Ted has his hands up in the air in surrender. The agents push Ted down to the sidewalk.)

PETER: Let's go!

(As Ted watches, Peter puts his arm around Claire’s shoulders, turns her around, and they both vanish.)

AUDREY HANSON: There were two others! Find them. (to Ted) You're under arrest.

TED: Agent Hanson?

AUDREY HANSON: I've been chasing you all across the country, Ted.

TED: Y-you know I'm not a terrorist.

(They handcuff Ted.)

AUDREY HANSON: Do I? You blew up a van full of federal agents in Los Angeles.

TED: But I-I didn't mean to hurt anybody.

AUDREY HANSON: Good. Your next stop -- Guantanamo Bay.

TED: I'm gonna need a concrete cell lined with lead. (shouts) So everyone is safe!

(They agents pull him toward the van. Audrey turns and walks over to Sylar.)

AUDREY HANSON: We got him, thanks to your tip, Mister ...

SYLAR: Mendez. Isaac Mendez. I thought I recognized Sprague from his picture in the post office. I knew it was my duty to call--especially with it being election day and all.

(She turns and watches the van with Ted drive away.)

AUDREY HANSON: Well, you helped us capture a very dangerous man. Most people wouldn't take the risk.

SYLAR: I'm not most people.

(She turns back and Sylar is gone.)



(Hiro talks with his father.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Father. I know that you want me to return home, Father. But I will not. I’m on a mission! And ...

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) You will save the world. I have waited a long time for a Nakamura to ascend. I never thought it would be you, Hiro.

(Hiro looks surprised.)

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) You have proven yourself worthy of our legacy ... and your power.

HIRO: (subtitled) You know about my power?

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) Of course. But for a time, I did not believe you had the strength to wield your gift.

(He stops in front of a table. He is unwrapping something.)

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) Now I see that you are ready.

HIRO: (subtitled) I am not sure. I had the villain under my blade ... and could not kill him. He broke my sword.

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) The sword is not important. Your journey is what restored your power.

HIRO: (subtitled) You knew about everything.

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) Mmm. Years ago, I had allies ... others with power. We fought to save the world. Until ... some lost their way. Evil must be stopped, Hiro. Next time you face your villain. You will kill him. I will teach you.

(Kaito turns to the table and pulls out the sword from its wrapping.)

HIRO: (subtitled) With all due respect ... you are a CEO of a big company. You work in an office. What can you possibly know ...

(Kaito unsheathes the sword. His eyes are reflected in the polished blade. He takes the sword out.)

HIRO: (subtitled) ... of killing?

(And then he moves – forward, SWISH!, turn, stop.)

(The blade is up against Hiro’s throat.)

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) A few things.

(Mr. Nakamura smiles.)

(Hiro’s face lights up and he smiles, too.)





(A black sedan pulls up alongside the street. The back door opens and Candice gets out. She stops and looks out in front of her. She holds out her hand and Micah gets out of the car.)

(When he takes her hand, Candice is now Ms. Baker, a middle-aged African American woman.)

(They head for the building.)


(Candice checks in.)

POLL WORKER: Welcome, Ms ... Baker.

CANDICE (AS MS. BAKER): Do you mind if I take my son into the voting booth with me? I'm trying to teach him about democracy in action.

POLL WORKER: Oh, what a lovely thought. Follow me.

(They follow the Poll Worker to the voting booth.)

MICAH: I've been thinking about how you make yourself look like that. You must bend light or something.

(Candice chuckles.)

CANDICE (AS MS. BAKER): How do you know this isn't the real me?

(Candice looks at Micah’s reaction and chuckles. The Poll Worker leads them to an available booth and closes the curtain behind them.)

(Once inside the booth, Candice changes back to herself.)

CANDICE: Okay, Micah, it's time to boot up.

MICAH: What do you want me to do?

CANDICE: You can tell computers what to do. So I want you to tell this one and all the others here to vote for Nathan Petrelli.

(Micah puts his right hand flat against the screen. The message on the screen reads: INSERT AND REMOVE ACTIVATOR CARD TO BEGIN.)

(The screen changes.)

Superior Court Justice 23rd District
Dana Jenkins
Current Occupation Prosecuting Attorney
Timothy Kepler
Current Occupation Defense Attorney

(The second screen reads:

U.S. Congress
Nathan Petrelli
Current Occupation District Attorney
Dena Allen
Current Occupation Business Owner
Daniel Doyle
Current Occupation State Controller
Kate Snow
Current Occupation Entrepreneur

(Micah concentrates and zaps the computer. The ‘X’ flashes in the voting box for NATHAN PETRELLI multiple times.)

CANDICE: After this, we do the same thing in twelve other precincts.

MICAH: We don't have to go anywhere else. It says that they're all networked. So from here, I can change every one in the city.

CANDICE: It says that.

MICAH: Yeah. How many votes does your boss want him to win by?

(Candice smiles.)

CANDICE: Make it a landslide.

(Micah takes a breath and turns his attention back to the monitor. The voting box for NATHAN PETRELLI continues to flash as Micah registers the votes.)

(He continues to concentrate, putting a lot of effort into this.)

(Candice’s smile fades as she looks at Micah with concern.)

(Suddenly, Micah pulls away form the screen. He’s breathing heavily from the exertion.)


(He looks at Candice.)

MICAH: Can I go home now?

(We hold on Candice.)



(Nathan walks in, closes the door and loosens his tie. He picks up the remote and watches the returns on the television. Currently the results show:

DANIEL DOYLE 20% (down arrow)
KATE SNOW 13% (up arrow)

(The next screen shows:

DANA JENKINS 47% (up arrow)
TIMOTHY KEPLER 53% (down arrow)

(Nathan watches the results.)

JESSICA: (o.s.) Sorry to interrupt your big day.

(He whirls around and sees Jessica and DL in his office. )

NATHAN: How did -- I didn't think I'd be seeing you again. I thought after you tipped me off about Linderman, you'd—

JESSICA: I figured you'd be dead. And Niki thought that you were gonna take him out. Let me guess. He made you an offer that you couldn't refuse.

NATHAN: Something like that, yeah.

DL: We came here to find Linderman.

NATHAN: Who are you?

DL: He took our son.

NATHAN: Why would he do that?

JESSICA: Something to do with you and the election.

NATHAN: Kidnapping. That's a serious accusation. I hope you have evidence.

JESSICA: Cut the crap, Nathan. We both know that you hate Linderman as much as we do. You were gonna kill him. Let us finish the job.

DL: Look, whatever you think you're getting from this man, he's gonna take back ten times more from you. And he ain't never gonna stop until everything you care about is gone.

(The cheers of the workers in the outer office has Nathan glancing at the television set. The results are:


VOICE: (b.g.) All right. Yeah!
VOICE: (b.g.) All right! Yeah!
VOICE: (b.g.) Yeah!

(Jessica glances at the window. She looks at Nathan.)

NATHAN: If I tell you where Linderman is ... I have to know that he's not gonna come after us.

DL: The man took my son. He's gonna pay for that in full.

(PRE-LAP) HIRO: (yells) Hyah!



(Hiro and his father are sparring, their swords clashing. Kaito bests Hiro. They circle around each other.)

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) When you were a boy ... I told you many tales of Takezo Kensei. There was one you made me tell every night.

(Hiro raises his wooden sword above his head.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Kensei and the dragon.

(He charges and they start their next bout. Kaito smacks Hiro on his back, causing him to fall forward to his hands and knees. Hiro glances at his father.)


(Young Hiro plays with his Samurai figurines while his father reads him the story from a book.)

HIRO: (v.o.) Takezo Kensei longed to unite Japan.

* Painting of Takezo Kensei.
* Takezo Kensei beseeching.
* Kaito Nakamura sits in the chair and tells the story.
* Image of the Dragon.

HIRO: (v.o.) He went to the dragon of Kiso Mountain and asked the dragon to teach him the secrets of the sword.

(Hiro and Kaito continue to spar.)

(Image of: Takezo Kensei holding two swords and talking with the dragon.)

HIRO: (v.o.) The dragon taught him to become the Kensei, the Sword Saint.

(The sparring continues. Hiro is improving.)

HIRO: (v.o.) He fought his enemies and won, saving his people.

(Young Hiro plays with his Samurai figurines.)

(Hiro and Kaito continue to spar, their swords locked at the hilt.)

HIRO: (v.o.) Then the dragon came to his palace, demanding the life of the princess.

(Image of: the princess.)

(Hiro brings up his sword for the next bout with his father.)

HIRO: (v.o.) Kensei drew his sword and plunged it into his own heart.

(Image of: Takezo Kensei committing seppuku.)

(Young Hiro plays with the dragon figurine. His father sits in the chair telling him the story.)

HIRO: (v.o.) He handed it to the dragon and said, "My love is in here. Take it." And then he died.

(With amazing strength, Kaito pushes Hiro back. Hiro falls to the ground. He gets up and lifts his sword over his head to attack again. This bout is longer. Hiro’s movements are sharper, firmer, stronger. He lifts his sword above his head and pauses.)

HIRO: (subtitled) I understand, Father. (panting) To save what is most important ... I must be strong enough ... to cut out my heart.

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) Show me!

(Hiro attacks.)




(Mr. Bennet and Matt enter the building and cross the lobby.)

MR. BENNET: Tracking system's on the 42nd floor. Get a read on someone.

MATT: Yeah.

(He looks around.)

MATT: You sure there isn't another way?

MR. BENNET: The reason I brought you here, Parkman, was so that you could get us to those elevators without raising a ruckus. Now, if you can't do that, you might as well give up on your wife and unborn child right now. Because no matter how far you run ... they will find you.

MATT: Okay. A simple "no" would have done the trick.

CHARLIE: (o.s.) Good morning, Stanley.
STANLEY (SECURITY GUARD): (o.s.) Good morning, Charlie.

(Matt sees his opening.)

MATT: Okay, I got it.

(He hurries over to the security guard. Mr. Bennet follows and watches.)

MATT: Stanley, hey, man. I just took my buddy to lunch. I forgot my ID. Can you buzz us through?

STANLEY (SECURITY GUARD): I don't know you.

MATT: (chuckles) It's Matt from Accounting on 3-6. What are you talking about? We just went to Ray's for an egg parm.

STANLEY (SECURITY GUARD): I'm gonna need to see your ID, buddy.

MATT: Stan, come on, buddy, you don't remember? Remember on the weekend, I ran into you at the, um ... at that restaurant?

STANLEY (SECURITY GUARD): (v.o., thinking) Where did I take Tanya? Shopsins?

MATT: Shopsins. Right? You introduced me to Tanya.

STANLEY (SECURITY GUARD): (v.o., thinking) I did? Drank and, God, I hope I didn't --

MATT: (nods) You okay, Stan? (chuckles) Remember? You were really drunk. And you were worried about people finding out about the ... uh, you know, the ... (quietly) the porno.

STANLEY (SECURITY GUARD): Oh, hey, yeah, don't worry about it -- here.

(He lets them through.)

STANLEY (SECURITY GUARD): You guys go ahead. Have a good day.

MR. BENNET: Thanks.
MATT: (o.s.) Thanks, Stan.

STANLEY (SECURITY GUARD): No problem, sir.

(Stanley glances back at Matt.)


(Mr. Bennet uses the keypad. It doesn’t work.)

MR. BENNET: The password doesn't work. They must have changed the protocol.

MATT: (sighs) Great.

(Matt sees something and stops.)

MR. BENNET: We have to wait until you can pick it out of somebody's head.

MATT: We gotta move. Right now.

(Matt sees DL and Jessica head for the entry.)

MATT: That blonde works for Linderman. Let's go.

(Matt turns to leave; Mr. Bennet stops him.)

MR. BENNET: Wait a minute.

(They watch DL and Jessica, who are at the floor directory.)

JESSICA: Linderman could be on any floor.

DL: Then we'll search them all. Come on.

(He takes her hand and they head for the entryway. DL phases both him and Jessica through the gates.)

(They head for the elevators.)

MR. BENNET: Mr. Hawkins. Ms. Sanders? Relax. My friend can hear your thoughts. He says we have similar goals.

(Jessica looks at Matt and recognizes him.)

JESSICA: (smiles) Didn't I throw you out a window?

(DL looks at Jessica. Mr. Bennet turns and looks at Matt and we --







(DL, Jessica, Matt and Mr. Bennet are in the elevator.)


(Mohinder looks at the test tube.)

MOHINDER: You're responding well to the treatment. The important question is how are you feeling, Molly?

(Molly is looking at pictures of her family.)

MOLLY: Good, I guess. As long as I don't get any more shots.

MOHINDER: The antibodies in my blood are a cure for the virus. I'm afraid we will need to continue the treatments.

MOLLY: I'm all better. See? Look what I can do.

(Molly takes a thumbtack out of the glass cup. The map book is open in front of her.)

MOLLY: Just like before I was sick -- I think about someone, and I know where they are in my head.

(She thinks about Matt.)


(She places the thumbtack on the map.)

MOLLY: Right ... here.

MOHINDER: (amused) How do I know you're not playing a trick just to get out of more shots? Now, you've put that pin in this building. Is that supposed to be me?

MOLLY: No. It's my other hero. If he's here, can I see him?

MOHINDER: Your other hero?

MOLLY: The police officer that saved me from the bogeyman.

MOHINDER: Molly ... if your power has returned, we can stop the bogeyman so he never hurts anyone else. Can you think about him? Show me where he is?

MOLLY: You sure you wanna know?

(The door opens and Thompson walks in.)

THOMPSON: And how's our favorite patient, Dr. Suresh?

MOHINDER: Much improved. Molly says she can locate Sylar. We should go after him immediately.

THOMPSON: We will, soon. Right now, you need to go away with Molly. We have a helicopter on its way to take you both to a safe location.

(Molly looks at Mohinder.)



(The elevator doors open. Mr. Bennet and Matt step out. DL and Jessica remain in the elevator.)

MR. BENNET: You'll find Linderman on 51.

MATT: (to DL & Jessica) Good luck finding your son.

(They say nothing. The elevator doors close.)

MATT: (mutters) Right. Nice to see you too.

(Matt and Mr. Bennet start down the hallway.)

MATT: How do we take out this tracking system? Erase a hard disk, destroy a satellite link, what?

MR. BENNET: You did your part. This is mine.

(Matt follows Mr. Bennet as they continue through the hallway.)


(On the security monitors, Matt and Mr. Bennet are walking through the hallway.)

THOMPSON: Surveillance picked 'em up in the elevator.

(Thompson cocks his gun. Mohinder watches the monitor.) )

MOHINDER: What does he want?


(Thompson turns and heads out of the room. Mohinder stays behind to watch the monitors.)


(Mr. Bennet continues through the hallway headed for the medical offices.)


(Thompson opens the door and waits with his gun ready.)


(Mr. Bennet turns the last corner. Matt grabs Mr. Bennet and stops him.)

THOMPSON: (v.o., thinking) Good night, Bennet.

(Thompson heads out.)

(Matt pulls Mr. Bennet back behind the corner just as Thompson appears with his gun out. He fires twice, misses them and hits the wall, breaking the light fixture.)

(Thompson heads around the hallway.)

MATT: It was Thompson. I heard him waiting for you.

MR. BENNET: Anybody else?

MATT: No. He's alone.

(Mr. Bennet glances behind him several times.)

MR. BENNET: All right, stay here!

(Mr. Bennet steps away. When Matt looks behind him, Mr. Bennet is gone.)

MATT: What? No, no, I don't have a gun!

(Matt stays where he is and looks around the corner for Thompson.)

(Thompson comes up quietly behind him and points his gun at Matt’s head.)

THOMPSON: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

(Mr. Bennet points his gun at Thompson’s head.)

MR. BENNET: Your last thought.

(He fires twice.)

(Matt turns around. The body hits the floor with a thud. Mr. Bennet puts his gun away.)

MATT: How'd you know he was gonna come up on me?

MR. BENNET: We were old friends.

(Mr. Bennet takes Thompson’s gun and gives it to Matt.)


(On the security monitors, Matt and Mr. Bennet get up and continue on. They leave Thompson’s body on the floor. Mohinder watches the monitors.)

MOLLY: (o.s.) Dr. Suresh?

(Mohinder turns around.

MOLLY: I thought I heard a noise.

MOHINDER: It's nothing, Molly. Go back to your room, okay? Good girl.

(Molly heads back to her room. On the security monitors, Mr. Bennet is on the other side of the door. Mohinder puts his hands against the door.)


(In the hallway, Mr. Bennet takes out a card and swipes it in the lock.)

MR. BENNET: All right, look, whatever happens in here, you gotta know this is the only way our families are ever gonna be safe.

(Mr. Bennet opens the door and they enter.)

MATT: Why? What do you mean? What's here? Where's the tracking system?

(Mr. Bennet heads for Molly’s room.)

MR. BENNET: It's in there.

(They reach Molly’s room. The curtains are closed. With his gun out, Mr. Bennet pulls the curtains apart. Molly is hiding on the other side of the bed.)

MATT: That's the tracking system? A kid? We came here to kill a little girl?

MR. BENNET: No. I knew it was a person, but I had no idea.

(With their attention on Molly, Mohinder hits Matt over the head with a fire extinguisher.)

MATT: Unh!

(Matt falls to the floor unconscious. Mohinder drops the fire extinguisher and pulls his gun out on Mr. Bennet.)

(Mr. Bennet turns around and points the gun at Mohinder.)

MOHINDER: Lower your gun.

(Molly backs up against the curtain. Mr. Bennet turns his gun on Molly.)

MR. BENNET: As long as she's alive, my daughter will never be safe. None of them will.

MOHINDER: Lower your gun, or I will kill you.

MR. BENNET: Shoot me, and she dies.

(Molly closes her eyes.)



(The FBI van comes out from under the bridge.)


(Ted is chained and cuffed inside the van.)


(The FBI van turns the corner. Sylar stands in the middle of the street, right in the van’s way. He waits a moment, then with a flick of his fingers, he flips the van completely over.)

(The van’s momentum carries it toward Sylar. He halts it, then tears the back doors off the van.)

(Inside, Ted is hanging upside-down suspended from the chains and cuffed to the van’s floor.)

TED: (crying) I'm hurt! I think it's bad!

(Sylar kneels in front of Ted.)

SYLAR: Here, let me help.

(Sylar slices Ted’s forehead open. Ted screams as blood drips from the wound.)

(FAR SHOT OF: Sylar kneels outside van, his arm outstretched. Ted’s screams echo in the night.)






(Hiro is sparring with his father. He attacks, then stops when his wooden sword finds Kaito’s neck.)

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) You have come far ... in a short time.

HIRO: (subtitled) You have taught me well, Father.

(Hiro takes a step back.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Now that I can stop Sylar ... Ando doesn’t have to die. He will be so relieved.

(Hiro bows. Kaito nods. Hiro turns and runs back to the shop.)

HIRO: Ando!

(Kaito watches him go.)


(The back door opens and Hiro emerges.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Ando! I am ready to face Sylar.

(He looks around.)

HIRO: Ando?

(Mr. Claremont walks out.)

HIRO: Where is my friend?

CLAREMONT: He bought one of my Nagamakis and left.

HIRO: He bought a sword?

CLAREMONT: He said if you weren't going to save the world, he would.

(The back door opens and Kaito steps out. He takes off his headband.)

HIRO: (subtitled) Ando went after Sylar!? Alone!

KAITO NAKAMURA: (subtitled) Then he is going to die.

(We hold on Hiro.)



(Traffic is stopped on the street, horns honking. Cars are bumper to bumper)

(People are out of their cars as they wait for the traffic to clear.)

(Peter moves his car forward a little.)

VOICE: C’mon!
PETER: Hey, move the car!

(He shouts out the window.)

PETER: (shouts) Come on, get moving!

(Traffic isn’t moving.)

CLAIRE: Is this the only way out of the city?

PETER: No, but it's the fastest.

(Peter gets out of the car to see what’s holding everything out. Claire gets out as well. They both walk to the front. This is very serious.)

(The once empty street has been blocked off as emergency personnel tend to the overturned FBI transport van.)

(Two officers check the back of the vehicle.)

OFFICER 1: This is the sickest thing I've ever seen. Did this happen in the accident?

OFFICER 2: The top of the guy's head came off! How else does that happen?

(Audrey Hanson appears behind them as she walks past.)

AUDREY HANSON: You don't wanna know.

(Peter and Claire are on the other side of the fence. They see the agents being wheeled away on a gurney. From where they are, they can see what happened.)

PETER: Sylar got him. He killed Ted.

CLAIRE: Does that mean Sylar can do what Ted can do?

PETER: He's the one. He's gonna wipe out the entire city.

CLAIRE: You've gotta stop him.

PETER: I don't think I can. The last time I fought Sylar, he killed me.

(Peter grabs Claire’s hand and they leave.)

PETER: Come on. Come on.



(Linderman sits at his desk. He’s on the phone.)

LINDERMAN: Yes, we'll send a helicopter to retrieve the Petrelli family. Just make sure they're not late.

(He hangs up.)

(DL and Jessica phase through the wall.)



(Jessica walks over to him.)

LINDERMAN: I must admit, I'm quite surprised to see you here.

(She grabs him.)

JESSICA: Where's Micah?

(She tosses him back and he hits the back wall hard.)

DL: She asked you a question.

(Linderman looks up at them.)

LINDERMAN: You wouldn't even have Micah if it wasn't for me ... (He gets up.) ... arranging your relationship. Crafting your opportunities.

(DL pushes Linderman back against the wall.)

DL: What gives you the right to ruin our lives, take our boy from his home, your money? You think being rich makes you better than us?

LINDERMAN: Well, social Darwinism did play its part. I believe destiny to be intrinsic.

DL: Your destiny ... is to give me back my son.

LINDERMAN: He's in the building, 42nd floor.

JESSICA: I'll go look for Micah. Watch him.

(Jessica starts to leave.)

LINDERMAN: You'll never see him again, you know.

DL: How's that?

LINDERMAN: Jessica's gonna kill you for me.

(DL turns and looks at Jessica. Jessica looks at Linderman. Linderman points to the bag on the table.)

LINDERMAN: Open the bag.

(Jessica reaches for the bag.)

LINDERMAN: You just caught me preparing for a trip.

(She unzips the bag.)


(Linderman empties the bag’s contents onto the table – piles of money stacks fall out.)

LINDERMAN: Well, consider this a deposit with more to follow.

JESSICA: How much more?

DL: You can't be listening to this!

LINDERMAN: Of course she is. Like most women whose lives have been ruined by men, all Jessica really wants is security, and money buys that. Money's all she's ever really cared about.

(Jessica kneels in front of the table, fascinated by all the money.)

DL: She cares about our son.

(Jessica looks at DL.)

LINDERMAN: How much? Five, ten million?

DL: Think about Micah. You saw that painting. You came here to save him.

LINDERMAN: All right -- $20 million to kill your husband and walk away.

(Jessica stands up.)

JESSICA: He's right, DL. I wanna take the money. I really do. I would even kill you for it. But Niki wouldn't.

(And with that, Jessica willingly leaves. Niki takes a deep breath and opens her eyes.)

(She looks at DL and they hug.)

DL: Oh!

(Linderman shakes his head.)

LINDERMAN: You don't love him.

NIKI: Everything I've done ... I did for them.

(DL sees Linderman take out a gun. DL steps in front of Niki just as Linderman shoots. He hits DL in the chest. DL falls to the floor.)

(Linderman steps closer to Niki.)

LINDERMAN: You should have taken the money.

(Just then, DL sinks his fist into the back of Linderman’s head, grabbing his brain with his hand.)

(Linderman’s eyes go blank. He falls to the floor, leaving DL with his bloodied fist outstretched.)

(DL groans in pain and collapses to his knees.)

NIKI: [this part is unclear]

(DL collapses back in Jessica’s arms.)

DL: I don't care what he said. Me and you getting together -- that was real.

(Niki puts her hand on his.)

DL: Jessica wasn't the strong one. It was you.

(They look at each other.)

(FAR SHOT OF the scene.)



(Nathan pushes Heidi in her wheelchair up to the stage ramp.)

HEIDI: I feel so stupid sitting here. I wanna jump out of this damn chair.

(Nathan kneels in front of her.)

NATHAN: People don't believe in miracles. When the time is right, we'll tell everyone.

(Heidi nods reluctantly.)

(Marty, the campaign manager appears.)

MARTY: We're ready.

(Nathan looks at Angela. She nods back.)

(Nathan pushes Heidi’s wheelchair up to the stage. Heidi and the audience applaud . Nathan goes and gives his mother a hug and kiss. He takes his position at the podium.)

NATHAN: Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you very much for your amazing support. A landslide. That's what they're calling it.

(The audience cheers.)

NATHAN: I'm sorry my brother couldn't be with us tonight.



NATHAN: (v.o.) But I know that Peter cares about this city more than anyone.

(Peter and Claire head back to their car. Claire looks at Peter. Peter turns and looks at Claire.)


NATHAN: You know, our father always said that we had a responsibility to use what God gave us.


(Hiro rushes out of the building.)

NATHAN: (v.o.) To help people. To make a real difference.

(He looks for Ando. Kaito steps out of the building.)

NATHAN: (v.o.) Pop always made the hard choices for the greater good.


NATHAN: He believed in that.


(Micah looks out the window. Candice sits on the couch eating.)

NATHAN: (v.o.) And so do I. Our children deserve that. They deserve a better future.


NATHAN: A future where they don't have to face their fears alone ...


(Ando makes his way through the sidewalk – a sword in one hand, Isaac’s comic book in the other. He studies the comic book, then looks at the sword with determination.)

NATHAN: (v.o.) -- but can look into the darkness and find hope.


NATHAN: I challenge everyone in here to inspire by example –


(The body bag with Ted inside is zipped up.)

NATHAN: (v.o.) -- to fight the battle, no matter the cost.

(Audrey Hanson watches from her open car door.)


NATHAN: Because the world is sick and spinning out of control. But we can help.


(Linderman is dead.)

NATHAN: (v.o.) With our help, it can heal.

(Niki holds DL.)

NATHAN: (v.o.) With our love, with our compassion, and with our strength --


NATHAN: -- we can heal it.


(Mohinder holds his gun on Mr. Bennet. Mr. Bennet has his gun on Molly.)

NATHAN: (v.o.) Let's put aside our differences. Let's embrace our common goals. Let's do it for our children.


NATHAN: Let's show them all exactly what we're capable of. Thank you all. Thank you very much.

(The audience applauds.)

NATHAN: Thank you.

(Nathan steps back and joins his family. The balloons and confetti are released above their heads.)

(The place celebrates Nathan’s victory.)



(Sylar stands on top a wall overlooking the New York City lights. Bright bursts of radioactive light power up from his hands. First his right hand, then his left hand, then ... both hands.)

(Sylar smiles.)

SYLAR: Boom.

(He looks out at the city.)



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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !