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Power Play

Power Play

Sadie had set me up.  And I had her food journal.  Which meant— I was finally prepared to exact revenge.

Or was I? Sadie didn’t just hate me, she hated herself. And she was as powerless to the stigma of her weight as I was to the stigma of my fake suicide. Was it possible that we had something in common?  And then I saw it—the scribbled words “Jenna Hamilton is an oozing skitch.”  Was she still worth feeling sorry for?

Fuck that. I had to take the bitch down. I was tired of laying down on the tracks and letting her flatten me over and over again. I wasn’t going to play nice anymore. I was ready to show my hand. And what I had in my hand was more than enough to get what I wanted from her.

Surprisingly, what I wanted was to do something nice for my mom. She was powerless to the PV moms as I was to the PV daughters.  I didn’t want to be in the elite Knick Knacker world, but I owed it to mom make things right and get her in.

So I let Sadie know that I had her food journal and she wouldn’t be seeing it back – except on the internet- unless my mom and I got a bid for the Knick-Knackers.   Do you even need to guess what happened? 

I had sealed the deal for my mom. So it was time to seal one for myself. It was time to put the carefrontation letter to rest…but when Sadie said if she’d written the letter she’d have signed her name to it, I knew my suspicion was wrong. She was telling the truth.

But if Sadie didn’t write the letter, who did?  It was still a mystery. But I was suddenly clear about where my powered lied.  Where Sadie’s power was about being cruel, I decided mine was about being kind.

Power was a zero-sum game. When you allow someone else to take it, they will. Matty had all the power in our relationship because I let him.

But that was about to change.

Ecrit par cleliagi 

Power Play

Power Play

Traduction à venir ! ;)

Ecrit par cleliagi 
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