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New Beginnings

New Beginnings

It was the dawn of a new beginning. My sideshow status as the suicide freak was about to end and my creeper gear was on the verge of retirement. Thank God. Cuz the high five fake out was getting old. Really old.

For six weeks, I’d fantasized about two things. My first fantasy involved some intimate touching…of the elbow. And my second was centered on any and all parts of Matty McKibben. It wasn’t like I was obsessing. Or that I’d counted the seven times I’d caught Matty looking at me since school started. Eight if you counted the time I wiped out on the quesadilla. And I did. It counted.

Okay, maybe I was obsessing. A little. But it was keeping me from fixating on something I was desperately trying to forget. The evil anonymous carefrontation. It could bite me and always did. “Pull your head out of your ass and stand out.” Standing out was not a problem. Blending in was the new name of the game, and I was ready to play. Or I would be soon. As soon as I could jailbreak my arm from its maximum security plaster…

Which, of course, didn’t quite work out as I’d envisioned.  But maybe my mom and T were right—maybe a slimming black sling was enough of an improvement for now. It caught Matty’s attention. Look nine. If I was counting. Okay, I was counting. Sue me. But he was look-looking. Stalker looking. In a good way. And look nine led right into look ten. It was a record. Two glances in less than fifteen minutes. Matty was definitely thinking about me. Hope for my fantasy to become my reality had been reignited. I was high on hope and…

Sadie’s sweetness. Why was she out to get me? New Jenna needed to employ some new principles. There are times for rising above the situation…and times when you have to sink to the bare-ass level of your enemy. So I did. And as she became the butt of everyone’s joke for once, there was nothing to say except, “You’re welcome.”


Ecrit par cleliagi 

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Ecrit par cleliagi 
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