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Jill Hennessy on "Today"

Jill Hennessy on "Today"

Date: 6th October 2005

Transcribed by: Shay Fitzpatrick (AusCJ) - https://charmedscripts.tv/cj



KATIE: Viewers may have gotten to know her as the straitlaced assistant DA Claire Kincaid on "Law And Order". But for the last 5 years, Jill Hennessy has been seeing dead people literally as Medical Examiner Jordan Cavanaugh on NBC's hit forensic crime drama Crossing Jordan. This week Jordan stumbles headlong into a bizarre double homicide investigation while searching for 3 missing children.

[Clip from "Under the Weather".]

Jordan: Help! Hey, hey. Look at me. Hey, could you please give me a hand? Please! Please! No! No! No!

[Back to "Today".]

JILL: Ooh.

KATIE: I hate when that happens.

JILL: It was a rough day.

KATIE: Yeah.

JILL: Rough day.

KATIE: That must have been a rough shoot, was it? I mean, wow.

JILL: Yeah, we were drenched in rain and mud and I was working predominately with 2 kids who were 10 years old.

KATIE: Oh my god.

JILL: And we were covered in mud and it was, yeah, it was a little intense.

KATIE: And Banks wasn't helping out much.


KATIE: Is that who that was?

JILL: Oh, Banks? Uh, yeah.

KATIE: When you were yelling to that guy.

JILL: I didn't know who he was in that scene, but, uh, I can't really give it away, Katie.

KATIE: Okay, sorry.

JILL: But, uh... That's all right, Katie. And the sled's name was Rosebud. But, uh, yeah, you saw me scream for help to a stranger and I fall in this mine shaft basically.

KATIE: Do you do all your own stunts by the way?

JILL: Oh, not all. The most of it, the big falling was an incredible woman named Danielle...

[Another clip from "Under The Weather".]

JILL: Who's my stunt double. I did the last fall and I did a lot of under water work.

KATIE: Well, that's great.

JILL: It's just fun, though.

KATIE: Yeah, I bet it was really challenging. Meanwhile, this is your 5th season...

JILL: Yeah.

KATIE: Of Crossing Jordan. Are you still having fun, Jill? I mean, are you still loving it?

JILL: Well, I gotta say, I think we're having more fun this year than ever.

KATIE: Really, why?

JILL: And I think we're just so happy to be here. I mean, I see so many great shows start and then leave after about a season or two. And now we just have this freedom because we've been here so long, we've got a solid fan base, uh, we're getting so much support. The writers are going crazy, they're just, you know, going all out this year.

KATIE: I know that TV Guide, I think, called your show the most underrated show on television. Is it frustrating, you know, because you've really paved the way for a lot of these other crime dramas. And do you ever feel like, hey, you know, give us a little more love here?

JILL: Yeah. Loving would be really nice, you know. And I gotta say, the audience has always been there. In the first year we were the number one new drama on TV and our audience has been so consistent. But I feel like every aspect of the show is so well done, and every actor, the writers, and every department. And I feel like, yeah, a little loving would be really sweet.

KATIE: Well, hopefully we'll get you a little more loving after this appearance. Meanwhile, Jerry O'Connell your co-star, you're having fun with him. He's such a fun, cute, quirky guy.

JILL: Oh, he's so great.

KATIE: And his fiancé, Rebecca Romijn, I understand is going to do some guest shots on the show?

JILL: I'm hoping. I haven't heard specifics but I have heard rumors.

KATIE: And she's wonderful too.

JILL: Oh, she's so sweet.

KATIE: As nice as she is beautiful.

JILL: And isn't that wrong? Isn't that just bad?

KATIE: Well, it's kind of the same way with you. Do you have any big stars who are gonna show up on the show as fas as you know?

JILL: I've heard rumors about George Clooney.

KATIE: Ooh, that'll be fun.

JILL: Yeah, that'll be, that'll be really rough, won't it? I'm really looking forward to that.

KATIE: But your little boy's doing well? He's just turned 2.

JILL: Yes.

KATIE: And life is good. Well, you look great as always.

JILL: Thank you.

KATIE: And you're always so much fun.

JILL: Oh, as are you.

KATIE: Oh, thank you.

JILL: And I'm glad you're wearing a short skirt.

KATIE: Crossing Jordan can be seen Sunday nights at 10/9 Central right now at NBC.


(source : Shay Fitzpatrick (AusCJ) - https://charmedscripts.tv/cj)

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